Thursday, July 16, 2009

A Series of Unfortunate Events

Today Tela and I went for an easy ride to Golden Gardens. It's always the easy days that get you. We were transitioning from the path to the road path, and Tela said "Follow that guy." But that guy just happened to LOSE HIS PEDAL at that very moment. My initial reaction was to laugh at how someone could be as idiotic as to lose a pedal mid-ride. My second thought was how I was riding parallel to the railroad tracks that were conveniently placed ON THE TRAIL. And I really had no third thought as I collided with the ground. I got up, brushed that dirt off my shoulder, and kept riding. Not even a half mile later the very same thing happened to an older gentleman. Except he had the misfortune of colliding his face with the road.

So, city of Seattle, two cyclists in a half mile radius...perhaps railroad tracks running parallel ON the bike path is not such a genius idea, afterall.

1 comment:

  1. How totally idiotic of any city, let alone Seattle! I'm glad that you weren't hurt.
